Monday, August 5, 2013

Minutes or Miles? 8/5-8/11

I am hoping to get in my highest week so far in this training cycle.  Preferably around the 65 mark.  My family will be here all week so I am going to have to keep on getting up early and getting it done!  Good thing most of my family likes to run too!

8/5- As it gets farther from the Summer Solstice I find it harder and harder to wake up before work and run.  I set a few alarms this morning at varying times to make sure I got something in.  I woke up on the last one with time for about 5 miles.  It was a solid paced 5 with a few fartlek type efforts.  It felt good and I enjoyed the sunrise coming up over the Pole Mountains.

8/6- Today I got up and took the family out to Happy Jack.  Eric and I ran a challenging route which included going  up Death Crotch and down Super Secret.  This run especially made me questions 'Minutes or Miles?" and I have decided on minutes.  We ran for around 63 minutes but I know that it is somewhere around 7 miles.  It was just that difficult of a route.  The effort I put into this run was worth at least 9 miles in town on a flatter run.  I am calling this run 8 miles and am going to be recording my runs in minutes and hours now instead of miles.  13 on the week, gotta step it up!

8/7- 4.5 miles with Eric and Dad.

8/8- 8 miles in Estes Park with Eric and Dad.  Lost most of the time, lots of hills.

8/9- 3.5 with Dad and Eric.  Not running as much as I would like but still getting out there every day.  29 on the week with 2 days to go.  Won't be busy for those two days so maybe I can still put up 60.

8/10- 6 miles in the morning.  Feeling tired this week, lots of non-running activities, too much eating and an imperfect sleep schedule.  35 on the week with one day left.

8/11- Rolled 14 miles in just over 90 minutes.  Felt great.  Rode about 10 miles on the mountain bike in the afternoon.

49 miles on the week.  Not quite what I had hoped but not too bad either.  I still feel like I made gains in my fitness.

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