Today, I again tested the theory. Except, this time, I ran another awesome workout at 1 in the afternoon and proceeded to go home, eat a whole pizza, browse the internet for running news for awhile, and go to class for a few hours. I threw my shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt into my backpack just in case I got that urge to run again. I had a little bit of an urge but, like the first time, I was tired and didn't think it would amount to much. Well I started up, again around 8 minutes a mile, and felt better and better. By the end of my 40 minutes jog I was elated. My legs felt great and I didn't want to stop. I am pretty sure I was experiencing the fabled "Runner's High". Usually I only feel something of that magnitude while running in a scenic area like the Black Hills, or the Seattle area or if I am running fast and feeling comfortable. But today I was running slow, on a D shaped indoor track, and I still felt the sensation!
Anyway, I'm not sure what to make of these two cases of anecdotal evidence but I really like doubling on a long day or a workout day. To me it simply feels awesome. I will stress again, and again, that running is a very individualized sport. What works for me might work for you, and it might not. I would recommend trying this but you're going to have to see for yourself the effect that it will have on you.
Thanks for reading and supporting! Enjoy!
1 comment:
Nice post kyle.
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